Friday, November 26, 2010

The most familiar strangers

Once thought to follow the steps of love
Henceforth will love as sweet
Always imagined concomitant life's journey
Still can be if if
Very beautiful initially
Was gradually comprehend digestion
Thought stay memory deep
Henceforth no longer fuzzy
Always think found a happy ending
But still trance trance
Waiting for love caress
But gradually the vicissitude of ups and downs
Faint smile
Slowly pour out to
Perhaps encounter is a mistake
Now I still hike
Let love waiting in the desert
Now I still helpless,Because into love go astray

Love deeply,Tightly chasing
Maybe love is temporary lapse
Now I still lonely,May inherit spoony pain
Now I'm still happy,Because you're in love the journey..


伤口 愈合了 还是会痛
撕裂了 依旧会流血..

痛 只有自己懂.承受了 还是得过日子
开心吗 只是表面
内心 又看见了吗?
不闻不问 比 争吵 来得残忍
宁愿 咬牙切齿 也不要 毫无音讯..

之间剩下的联系 就只是 电器 没有感情的电器

(对不起) 最常说的 问候语..

你 已经 不是了..