Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hello :)

Hello people, I already for a long~long~long time didn't update my DEAD blogging -.-
Recently I'm fine at my single life, I no everytime cry like before* The Hambao girl is me. Finally finish my exam on this monday,can take a good relaxed don't vexed how to do exam questions! Ermm,I really hope that I can get a good result for my daddy mummy. I believe if I get a good result my family must be delighted :) haha~Okay,Next time I will update again :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

黃小琥 - 重來



如果能重来 诚实地去对待

如果能重来 回忆当作尘埃
就能无瑕疵地爱 但是重来

 "但是重來 卻不能保證愛的成功或失敗"

Thursday, January 27, 2011


一切又回到了原点,脑袋完全都是空 我不知道自己在干什么
我害怕那种感觉 为什么要回来?
轻松 没烦恼 看这世间.
几天了 失常几天了 疯狂地大哭 歇斯底里 地 像个小孩!
答应了自己,妈妈,朋友 要坚强


我要的快乐 属于我的 谁都剥夺不了
看开了 世界真的美丽许多.坚强,雪怡!

I will leave, I will disappear
We won't have an opportunity to meet
Bless you, Bye..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

School reopen!

啊~!明天开学了,我现在是什么心情?突然不想开学 想继续这样的生活 可是又能怎样 ><
我不要这样! 我快疯了!
为了目标 我要继续努力再努力!!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Good-Bye 2010,Welcome2011.

This is my last post for year 2010,Will see ya in year 2011
In the case,I'm gonna write small short diary about me and my life in the whole year of 2010

My name:Shereen on this year's 2010 pictures

When it is 2010 I feel time passes so slow but till today I cant imagine the next few hours year 2010 ends.New year 2011 is coming on tomorrow,many more new stuff,new excitement,new pain and suffer to gain again.we are all 1 year older 1 year mature and 1yr closer to achive our dreams! Saying Good-Bye to year 2010 bringing me so much pain and also happiness.Letting me to know much more friend and working experience.Grown up to be more independent to myself by not taking parents money.Is a GOOD achievement ever! I finally can made it,although at some times I'm super broke then my mood will goes up and down.Anyway it is still good cause I earn my own and spend my own.I told my self when year 2011 comes,I need to think and plan for my future.I scared I will be end up being lazy and then just stick to the same job cause I love my job although the working time is long but it is very flexible and consider quite hight pay too for a full-timer at shopping mall.About my family problems whish I suffer in year 2010,too many that I don't know hw to express it out.I'm facing lots of family problem in case you all don't know.This year everything goes up and down.I almost cry everynight before I sleep.Dad health went down because of stress mum too.I think I should not say much about my family.In year2010 I have many love problems too that make us be apart for few mounth but everything goes well back again.until end of the year we are fine after all.I hope this wont break us apart.

I wish and hope everything will be move much more easier in the coming of year 2011

Keep the smile leave the tear,Think of joy forget the fear.
Hold the laugh leave the pain,Be joyous Coz its new year

Lest  W E L C O M E  2011

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

True love?

True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Monday, December 27, 2010


不懂自己的心该怎么做 好乱 ==
最近很少上来更新 但是时常又上来逛逛 看看大家的留言 看看大家的心情
很不错 至少我知道 大家过得很好
我不重要 程度夸张到 觉得 自己的自信 快被打垮..
家人不喜欢 比较 可是人就是这样 心里不平衡 就会拿自己比较
削薄自己的自信 不应该吧
我知道 这是我唯一的安慰-谢谢家人

他..最近都在工作了 我们也很少联络 他放工回到家一定觉得很疲累 多想在他身边帮他按摩
几天都好担心 却又帮不上忙 我就是那么的没用
他做什么决定 我都会支持 至少 我是他唯一的支撑
平安夜,圣诞节当天 多想能和他度过 可是发现原来想和他度过比我想象中的还要难 
不过没关系 与谁度过都好都不重要 只希望他开心就好 =)