Saturday, July 17, 2010

Is it better to born Rich or Intelligent?

I personally think that it would be better if a person was born rich.
Do you want fame or fortune?
At the end of the day you need to put food on the table, you need clothes to put on etc.
So why don’t we born rich?

If you’re born rich with a silver spoon in your mouth I’m pretty sure that all your needs are provided for your coming days.
You do not need to be intelligent like a prodigy.
What you can do is hire as many intelligent people you want them to do your thinking.
Isn’t it easy?><
If you’re rich, you’ll get friends easily.
It may be a good or a harmful friend.
Lastly, if you’re rich you’re able to do charity helping poor or needy people.

If your answer in intelligent, here you go.
If you’re born naturally intelligent like a prodigy or your hardworking efforts makes you become an intelligent, you can use your intelligence to come up with brilliant ideas.
Next, if you’re intelligent you can skip grades in school.
With your intelligence and good results, you can attain scholarships and grants from the government.
Sounds good huh?

In additional, if you’re intelligent you’ll be respected by your peers and society.
Last but not least, you can handle any situation with ease because you’re intelligent.:D