Friday, December 31, 2010

Good-Bye 2010,Welcome2011.

This is my last post for year 2010,Will see ya in year 2011
In the case,I'm gonna write small short diary about me and my life in the whole year of 2010

My name:Shereen on this year's 2010 pictures

When it is 2010 I feel time passes so slow but till today I cant imagine the next few hours year 2010 ends.New year 2011 is coming on tomorrow,many more new stuff,new excitement,new pain and suffer to gain again.we are all 1 year older 1 year mature and 1yr closer to achive our dreams! Saying Good-Bye to year 2010 bringing me so much pain and also happiness.Letting me to know much more friend and working experience.Grown up to be more independent to myself by not taking parents money.Is a GOOD achievement ever! I finally can made it,although at some times I'm super broke then my mood will goes up and down.Anyway it is still good cause I earn my own and spend my own.I told my self when year 2011 comes,I need to think and plan for my future.I scared I will be end up being lazy and then just stick to the same job cause I love my job although the working time is long but it is very flexible and consider quite hight pay too for a full-timer at shopping mall.About my family problems whish I suffer in year 2010,too many that I don't know hw to express it out.I'm facing lots of family problem in case you all don't know.This year everything goes up and down.I almost cry everynight before I sleep.Dad health went down because of stress mum too.I think I should not say much about my family.In year2010 I have many love problems too that make us be apart for few mounth but everything goes well back again.until end of the year we are fine after all.I hope this wont break us apart.

I wish and hope everything will be move much more easier in the coming of year 2011

Keep the smile leave the tear,Think of joy forget the fear.
Hold the laugh leave the pain,Be joyous Coz its new year

Lest  W E L C O M E  2011

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

True love?

True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Monday, December 27, 2010


不懂自己的心该怎么做 好乱 ==
最近很少上来更新 但是时常又上来逛逛 看看大家的留言 看看大家的心情
很不错 至少我知道 大家过得很好
我不重要 程度夸张到 觉得 自己的自信 快被打垮..
家人不喜欢 比较 可是人就是这样 心里不平衡 就会拿自己比较
削薄自己的自信 不应该吧
我知道 这是我唯一的安慰-谢谢家人

他..最近都在工作了 我们也很少联络 他放工回到家一定觉得很疲累 多想在他身边帮他按摩
几天都好担心 却又帮不上忙 我就是那么的没用
他做什么决定 我都会支持 至少 我是他唯一的支撑
平安夜,圣诞节当天 多想能和他度过 可是发现原来想和他度过比我想象中的还要难 
不过没关系 与谁度过都好都不重要 只希望他开心就好 =)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Midvally @ 10.12.2010

Originally we went to the church to celebrate my lovely cousin's birthday,But cousin said wanna eat Shabu Shabu on that day.We test theory for a while Finally got the answer decided to eat Shabu Shabu

 Shabu @ Kuchai

Before we came around observation,Some people think we're so silly -.-

That day was early so we are the first to customers..hahah~! :D


After that,going Midvally :)

The Christmas Decoration @ Midvally

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Thank you,Thanks you come back again
My heart still only you,This is the last time the GOD give you love me? I believe that god will protect to me.The results, I ACCEPTED.This is the last chance,Hope will treasure  
I love u

Friday, November 26, 2010

The most familiar strangers

Once thought to follow the steps of love
Henceforth will love as sweet
Always imagined concomitant life's journey
Still can be if if
Very beautiful initially
Was gradually comprehend digestion
Thought stay memory deep
Henceforth no longer fuzzy
Always think found a happy ending
But still trance trance
Waiting for love caress
But gradually the vicissitude of ups and downs
Faint smile
Slowly pour out to
Perhaps encounter is a mistake
Now I still hike
Let love waiting in the desert
Now I still helpless,Because into love go astray

Love deeply,Tightly chasing
Maybe love is temporary lapse
Now I still lonely,May inherit spoony pain
Now I'm still happy,Because you're in love the journey..


伤口 愈合了 还是会痛
撕裂了 依旧会流血..

痛 只有自己懂.承受了 还是得过日子
开心吗 只是表面
内心 又看见了吗?
不闻不问 比 争吵 来得残忍
宁愿 咬牙切齿 也不要 毫无音讯..

之间剩下的联系 就只是 电器 没有感情的电器

(对不起) 最常说的 问候语..

你 已经 不是了..

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Disguise themselves

一个人的时候,总是让我想起一些失落的事情. 忍着眼泪一天又一天的过生活! 昨天,终于忍不住哭出来, 舒服很多了
一直以来,我都相信自己能够独自面对这种寂寞感! 或许人的一生,总是避免不了的寂寞如影相随.
一个人的世界,足以使我拿出全部的理性, 为过去的日子不上明知的注释.当我们慢慢褪去虚荣的外壳,看清浪漫的虚无, 我们就长大了! 喜欢关上巨事的门,享受这特有的境界, 我不必去戴上面具,不必去伪装自己,不必去接受浮躁, 连空气的流动都那么地真实可靠. 即时在自己的世界里哭泣,都不会有人知道, 爱情中的虚伪,深不可测!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

9:42 am

这时候谁都别来安慰 拥抱
就让我一个人去痛到受不了 想到快疯掉

Friday, November 12, 2010

photo time (:

The Birthday boy *Alvin yap!!! :))

Happy Birthday To You (:

 See next Pic guys!

Okay! I'm so tired.waiting for next post guys! :) Night people!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A beautiful feelings story

 凄美的感情故事 我的模特女友[HQ]

This is love video to tell anybody Money can't buy love.. Love doesn't happen only in couple. Love is something special between every human being. Yes, money can buy you alot of things.. but not true love. Be positive dude. You love your wife, your family which push you to work harder to give your family a better future. If you build everything based on money you will never find happiness.Its true that money cant buy happiness.. the happiness I mean is the real happiness...Don't look down on those guy which born not rich.. cause they are hardworking and then they keep earning money and for those who born to be rich, just know how to spend money but don know how to earn money.. money can earn. but if u missed LOVE. u cant find it back. :P its life doh.

 My heart words
*Really want to go back to the past,But this is not possible.
 Really has ended !. I'm crying..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Child's Eye

16.10.2010 @Sat
*Go to church at FGA CYC again :)
There is a very good place,to the place it makes people go the right way.It can help you relieve your sore troubles.GOD can help you!Encounter troubles please don't hurt yourself.

 My Pic


18.10.2010 @ MON

First,Happy Birthday to my Friend Kah yan :D

 Happy Birthday to you babe!

At Ts see The Child's Eye with kah yan and her friend :) Teeheeeeeeee!!

Is ME :D

RATE : ★ 

 So horrible!!!Honestly , watching ghost movie with 3D is fucking horrible. The scene is still fucking stuck on my mind. The dog child , the hand , the.. it for your self. My hand and leg is still shaking although we're out of the movie.><

Next time post again :D Bye peopleeeeeee...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To all of you who feel like giving up


一个没有手 没有脚的人

他是乐观面对 他的命运与人生

在以上的演讲中他提到 :
along your way..u might fall down like this..
then how would you do to get up?
but you found that when u fall down in your life..
you do not have the strength to get back up
he has no arms and no legs..
it should be impossible for me to get back up..
NO..if i give up to get up do u think i can get back up?


比起很多人 我们已经很幸福了
NICK 是多么的珍惜自己的生命
不要轻易地放弃生命 自己


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Remove the problem

Finally finished my PMR exam :)Can let me relax already.Although finished exam But I still don't feel very happy.Why huh? One thing that happened in my life,It makes me very tired very hard I want to ask,but I NOT brave to ask! I was afraid of asking The result is bad! I just can say not to know,Will only sad,cry! I know I so useless! =(

Sometimes I'll prayer..Prayer Let God help me.Let god put all the unhappy things are taken out! God, can opened my question?I have many questions to ask.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Let me feel exhaustion of friend.

最近,身边的朋友 让我觉得好疲惫,让我好失望.

为什么换来的是 再见 保重 之类的话
我不想 也很恨

我想办法让大家的误会平息 和好 开心玩在一起
好想问你 你有当过我们是你的朋友吗?

 不是每个人都能承受得了你的脾气 我们也有脾气的! 
宁愿我一个人错完! 朋友不是酱做的
我是多么想要对我真心 友情的人
就算我是哀求 我也会 做!

我知道..如果我再不发泄 我会彻底的崩溃
从前开朗的我 已经不见了

I need The sincere friend NOT False friends!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

bless me! Pls

I really tired,
really felt under pressure,
really hard.

God! Pls help me..='(
Big PMR exam want comming soon already!
God bless me!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010



图片中的笑脸是一位在教会里认识的女生,她叫Ying Ying 还有其他对我很好很好的朋友.我很开心能认识他们.今天放学他们特地来学校找我,带我吃东西..谢谢你们.身边的家人,他,朋友不断的支持我,不断的和我说不要给自己那么大的压力 其实,听了你们这样说我很感动..谢谢你们所有人的支持.我相信我能做到,相信自己.
我有一个很想实现的愿望,我盼望了很久很久..但是,我知道这愿望不会实现,不懂几时才能实现..就是因为家境的问题 使我不能够实现 

 好了,到时间去温习功课了 所有考着试的人 祝你们好运:)
你们要记得,成功没有尽头,生活没有尽头,生活中的艰难困苦对我们的考验没有尽头,唯有当你没有去努力,放弃你自己的时候,才是你人生的尽头! 加油吧! (:

Thursday, September 23, 2010


还有几天的时间让我温习罢了 恐怖的大考快要来临
好害怕 好紧张 感觉很有压力
无论在学校,在家,每一晚都躲在房间温习 好希望电话能响起 通一阵子的电话 让我轻松一下
可是,等了一晚又一晚 还是没有.
在我很需要轻松,帮助的时候 电话却没响起 好想念..好想念..去了那里了?
如果在 请今晚打一下给我好吗? 让我听下一阵子的电话 让我轻松一下

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Happy Mooncake Festival 中秋節快樂 ♥ 



今年的中秋节少了几位家人的陪伴,慢慢的..一个又一个的离开我们.疼我的外婆,外公,姑丈都不在这了. 有时,都好想念他们 他们的笑容 他们的样子 他们的声音 我依然还记得.好怀念外婆的手,小时候每次牵着我 抱着我.但现在..好像一根蜡烛一样 突然熄灭了..所有和外婆的回忆都在那一刻停此. 好恐怖 好害怕 突然间消失在人间.

为什么? 这些不愉快,令人心痛得不已会发生在我的身上? 很痛苦的流泪 很残悴的样子 心痛得不得了. 人死了 就永远也不能复生 就永远也没机会再见.我一点也不想这样..自从发生了那些事 我开始知道 珍惜现在 珍惜一切. 家人,朋友,爱人 一切一切都要珍惜 不要错过了才来后悔..有些事,后悔了 就算用尽多少种的方法 永远也会留不住. 记住了 珍惜 真的要珍惜!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Swimming day!


  Swimming day!

7a.m already wake up,Guys!ya,Is morning 7a.m wake up..Woots!! My mom say me crazy,so early wake up go swimming.hahahah ;D
After that,I call my cousin wake up.Then we go swimming=) I no going swimming for a long time.Forget how to swimming!OMG><

My leg=))
 In the evening we go to garden.I like this garden!:D When I am not happy, I will sit swing.I like quiet,Sit on a  swing let me think a lot of things!I can't control why I want to think about this? If you leave me again,I will how? My mom say Don't think so much.Every time is okey! ='( Every day remind myself don't think about this.But I cannot control!! I feel wanna crying now!

Okey,My article wrote here.
Tonight going Kuchai Lama Celebration The Mid-Autumn festival.
Hope can happy tonight :)